Additional Information – Payment Arrangements & Notifications for Licencing Agreement

21st December 2023

21 December 2023

Further to previous updates, the Company is pleased to announce that it has confirmed with the agent that shareholders will be able to elect whether to receive funds in US$ or GBP.

We understand that the US$ / GBP conversion, for those who choose it, will be carried on the day of payment.

We are aware that brokers have been contacted in respect of the said transaction.

Due to the complex nature of the various distribution process / platforms, and now facilitating a choice of currency at the request of some shareholders, the agent aims to be in a position to transfer funds in the week ending 19 January 2024.

Shareholders should also note that part of the complexity is due to the fact that the agent needs to notify all platforms and shareholders in unison.

The Company assures shareholders that whilst the agent has requested more time to complete its work, all preparation for the distribution process is well underway.

The Company remains under strict non-disclosure agreements. All further updates will be published on