November 17, 2014
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The Sneaky Hacker

 “Hacking is exploiting security controls either in a technical, physical or a human-based element.”  (Woah…)

Kevin Mitnick


Hacking.  Not through jungles.  Or getting the legs “hacked” from underneath you in the glorious sport that is football.  I’m referring to hacking, “bio-hacking,” terminology applied to “getting the job done” in fast, sneaky, innovative ways.

Arsenal v Manchester City - Premier League

“Hacking.  Not this guy.”




There’s stuff I like about the concept and there’s stuff I do not like about hacking as an idea.  As the quote above suggests, hacking is about seeking the quickest path to a result that you can find without losing the quality of that result.

“Hack into your body fat” with a new diet, “hack into your strength” with a particular rep/set scheme.  All these appeal, yet we need to question them.  “Hacking” is not the same as short-cut.  A short cut, taking fat burners for example, stretches a system (stress response system) to get a desired effect (weight loss).  It achieves that and it ruins your health.  Not hot.  A hack, in this instance would be getting a tracking app and creating behavioural change, gathering data and feeling reward as the days pass.

Good “hacking” is about recognising systems at work, how they intertwine and where best you can exert influence to affect the outcome.  The better the hack, the more completely and holistically you’ve addressed the topic.


Tim Ferris did “the slow carb” diet.  I’m not advocating it either way but he created a spin on “low carb.” He told people what to eat, how often and it wasn’t massively restricted.  I think there were three rules to follow it.

He’s successfully appealed to market, removed obstacles and made a complex topic very easy to follow.  Hackster.

Make no mistake, if you want the body of your dreams you are going to have to address training, nutrition, psychology, social behaviours, physiology, bio chemistry and underwater goat wrestling (humour attention hack).  How long will all that take you?  “Hey!  Just take these pills!” (Short cut to tired nowhere).  Or, get yourself a mentor or two and commit to an online course. That’s a hack.  How can you leverage your time and energy and current level of knowledge and awareness to enter a subject fully and start DOING IT?


“Wax on, wax off.  Mentor hack.”

Grind fresh coffee, get Spotify on my Bose speaker and write a blog in the space I’ve designated for my clients booking sheet.  They’re REWARD hacks.  I’ve hacked my environment to appeal to my senses and that gets me writing every time.  Thinking of writing can cause a block.  Thinking of how cool the setting is going to be gets me to the work.  Get it?




My daughter has been upset that her big Brother is outgrowing her a bit for play.  I’ve just bought her some art and craft kit so she can develop a new interest and get used to more independence.  I don’t force my son to play with her more.  The “hack,’ as such, is to stimulate new interest that accomplishes everything needed…

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