October 27, 2014
Published by Leave your thoughts

Be Your Own Movement

“To me, if life boils down to one thing, it’s movement.  To live is to keep moving.”

Jerry Seinfeld


Consider if what you’re doing is powerful enough to start a movement….

Starting a movement beats crossing things off your to-do list. Having a purpose beats motivation.  Being of service beats doing a job and having a calling is better than having an interest (and especially if you never act on it).  Movement, purpose, service and calling are heart centered and energize us more totally than having to grind through our daily issues with our thoughts as our primary resource.

Fight Club

“First rule of your club is…?”


Be Bigger Than The Activity.

If we reduce exercise to its parts, through weight training, we get increased muscle, strength, endurance, more bone density… you get the idea.   Bigger than these changes are how we feel moving around in our world.  How does weight training as an example change, modify, invite or improve your experience of living?  Bigger than being lean is feeling sharper.  Bigger than being strong is having more gravitas in life.  Bigger than being aerobically fit is staying the course by being stronger and more efficient.

Ask how your endeavors inform the bigger picture for you.

Connect the Dots.

Physical.  Social.  Emotional.  Imaginative.  Intuitive.  We are multi-faceted beings living in multi dimensional realities.  All of us show up to wherever we go!  Eating well and exercising well literally flexes more of us into life.  Having been educated with mind-body-spirit separateness we tend to compartmentalize our efforts into boxes.  There’s nothing more esoteric about yoga than there is weight training.  You are the conscious force doing it!

Tune in to how life changes as you deepen your practice, whatever that may be.

“You really think that’s cheese you’re eating?”

Oblique Spin-Offs.

Once we pay attention to our experience as fully as we can we often get great changes in seemingly unrelated areas.  Less anxiety, more resilience through an MMA class. Social inclusion by joining a gym.  More emotional flexibility from doing a dance class.  More assertiveness at work from having more robust energy and a felt sense of your physicality.   Greater creativity from a meditation practice. While it may be hard to correlate exactly, we can be sure of our experiences.  If we develop skills and traits, we see and take from our environment differently.

Stay alert for “ripple in the pond” benefits and experiences you may not have planned for.


“Go throw some rocks at life.”

Archetypal Energy!

Wahoo!  Warrior, healer, jester, teacher, rebel?  Which bigger, greater energy floats your boat?  If you were a hero in a film, who would you be?  We’re absorbing character, movement and concepts from films all the time, it’s a social cultural engine to feed us ideas.  We create meaning and story from our lives as much as we take from fiction each and every day.  Get a sense of what informs you deeply, maybe there’s an exciting new angle for you to consider.

Try different jackets on!  Dare to get more of you into life, into the world!

“It is the function of the artist to renew our perception.  What we are familiar with we cease to see.  The writer shakes up the familiar scene and as if by magic, we see a new meaning to it.”

Anais Nin

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